Continuing your education is a major investment for your future. If you decide to make loans a part of this investment, managing the debt you incur is a major responsibility. To ensure that you understand this responsibility and the obligation you are assuming, the federal government requires you to participate in loan counseling.

Entrance Counseling - Manage your educational expenses…

Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling at . A Federal Student Aid PIN and FSA ID are required to complete online Direct Loan Entrance Counseling.

Exit Counseling - Understand your rights and responsibilities…

Prior to graduating or leaving college, borrowers are required to complete an exit counseling session. This online exit counseling session has been created to make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a loan borrower.

Complete Direct Loan Exit Counseling at . A Federal Student Aid PIN and FSA ID are required to complete online Direct Loan Exit Counseling.